27 Jun 2012

Going Forward With Adpol, Receiving Their Contract - "The Goods shall be delivered within 7th to 8th week"

From: alex@adpol.nazwa.pl [mailto:alex@adpol-gb.co.uk]
Sent: 27 June 2012 12:47
To: Babettli Azzone; stan@adpol-gb.co.uk; office@adpol-gb.co.uk

Subject: RE: FW: ADPOL offer

Dear Babettli,
I am sending you contract and invoice, please find as attached.

price includes transportation to your building site and, as said before, change for colour - any price change after site measurement will be corrected with annex;

As promised, I will do my best to arrange Damian's visit for saturday - will confirm this as soon as he will be back from holiday - this friday morning latest;

If you can signed documents and mail them back to me, or if you dont have scanner - you can send it by post;

If you will have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.


Dnia 27 czerwiec 2012 o 11:03 Babettli Azzone <Babettli@vellutodesign.com> napisaƂ(a):

> Dear Alex,

> We are very happy with your offer and have decided to go with Adpol.

> We have not had the time to go through each window yet . will do this tonight. Yes to matt finish. Please note that the final measurement for the big opening (fixed panel above and sliding door above) can only be taken once the steel frame is  build.

> Please let the ball rolling as most of our work depends on the windows being installed.

> Thank you for your assistance so far.

> Kind regards,

> Babettli