5 Sept 2012

Asking about Sills and FENSA Again

From: Michael Maguire <michael.maguire@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2012 23:24:49 +0100
Subject: Re: ADPOL - mail from Alex

Thanks, when you say "fitting" the sills, do you mean "providing and fitting the sills"? Is the cost of the sills included?
Also, who is providing the FENSA certificate for the work?
On 4 Sep 2012 20:12, "damian@adpol-gb.co.uk" <damian@adpol-gb.co.uk> wrote:
hi Michael 

this price does include fitting the exter. and inter. sills .and after the consideration I can give You a discount and we can go with 4100 netto , is this satisfying You , I hope it does :-)

Regards Damian