In June 2012, after being promised windows in 6-8 weeks, we put £10,000 down on triple glazed windows from
We signed off details for 22 windows 11 July, with an agreement that 2 more large windows would be ordered later.
We finally received our windows December 20th.
See [Lessons Learned]
9 Jul 2012
Checking Over the Details, Giving Feedback
On 8 July 2012 20:12, Michael Maguire <> wrote:
Below please find my checklist of what I did this weekend. We are getting closer, but there are still a few issues. Please refer to the attached scanned notes I made on a print-out of your offer sent Fri, 6 Jul 2012 14:56:45 +0100
- Printed out all the house elevation pdf's Babettli had showing fenestration from Dropbox/
SharedBetweenMichaelAndBabettli/Houses/36DuckettRoad/External Wall Insulation/pdf
- Opened the older email from Alex sent 26 June 2012 11:43 with her scans of all of your Window W numbers written beside here position numbers and saved in Dropbox/SharedBetweenMichaelAndBabettli/Houses/36DuckettRoad/Windows/Adpol/InitialOfferBasedOnOurMeasurements/fwfwadpoloffer
- Numbered the final offer with the windows W numbers shown before -- some were already included by Alex -- those ones I just double checked.
ISSUE 1: We are now missing a window W17. Looks like Pos no 12 was changed to be only 1x instead of 2x (previously it showed W9, W17).
ISSUE 2: Pos no 12 seems to have the height now at 1520. Both W9 and W17 are windows we had chosen to shorten down to 1440 for uniformity with several other windows at the side of the house.
- Check those W numbers matched the W numbers on Babettli's pdf elevations's, making sure every window in pdf's has a corresponding entry
- Checked that the dimensions on the final offer were always close but a little bit bigger than what Babettli showed on your pdf's, since Damian's measurements were outer frame and ours were inner.
ISSUE 3: We've changed our mind. Pos. no 16 Window W05 Kitchen shows 1500mm w x 1700mm h. But our kitchen designer Valter's recently received drawings show a cabinet height of 930mm. So with a total ceiling height of 2500mm, this means max window height could be 1570. For uniformity, let's make this window also 1440mm h. So please make it 1500mm w x 1440mm h.
- Checked the opening direction on every window in the final offer matched the opening direction shown
- Checked that the handles and colour are as specified
ISSUE 4: Pos no 9 HS Sliding Door shows F1 silver instead of F9 steel like all the others. It should be F9 steel.
ISSUE 5: We've changed our mind -- the interior vestibule door D01 Pos no 17 doesn't need a key -- not sure what the point of that would be as if they can open the outer door, they have all the privacy in the world to just break the glass on that inner door.
- Checked the glazing (triple versus double) was correct for each window
ISSUE 6: Pos no 8 Balcony Door D02 in Kitchen is still showing Passiv Aluron Triple Glazed. It should be only Double Glazed, Toughened.
ISSUE 7: Pos no 14 Window W18 shows double glazed. It should be Passiv Aluron Triple Glazed.
- Walked around to each physical window and checked it matched Damian's numbers in the final offer
- Extra notes:
ISSUE 8: We want to confirm that the doors with keys (Kitchen door D02 Pos no 8) do not lock automatically when closed -- we only want them to lock when a key is used.
- Our builder Adam asked me to confirm with Damian that he understands that although the front of the house will be usual replacement of English sash windows (which have the inner brick course indented as show in attached picture) the rear and sides of the house will have windows flush with outer walls in preparation for receiving external insulation. From the dimensions I have checked, Damian seems to have done this, thanks.
On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 2:56 PM, office adpol <> wrote:
Hi Babettli and Michael,
I am sending you the offer after site measurements and all changes you pointed out; please find as attached
New price ( after 5% discount as previously) is net £ 15,197.89 – if there will be no further changes;
Please take a look into offer – and If you will have any questions, please contact me.
ADPOL Timber&Composite Windows&Doors
Unit 4 Charlwood court, Merlin centre
County Oak way
Crawley RH11 7XA
tel: 01293 552 300